Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

Go Green

Is America aware of environmental AND economic challenges?

You would not a priori say yes.... if you knew.

at least alma mater (started [!!] to) try over here

- ICC photovoltaic array: runs at roughly half of the original capacity, despite technical progress in general in boosting photovoltaic effectiveness
- Do you really think that the GUTS shuttle bus fleet is up-to-date on engines technology, vehicle efficiency etc.?
- The Car Barn (a class of its own, unfortunately); is there maybe
- insulation, anyone?
- temperature adjustment, anyone plays around with
- insulation-effective windows?
- windows and doors without huge gaps and drift?
- wasteful computer printing by students?
-"occupancy sensors in common areas"? I don't know in which building that is... wherever I am at night, ppl tend to forget to switch off the lights...
- Flushing of toilet: some have so nice sensors, they flush several times pe session...
- some restrooms have such nice water taps, the water runs for a much longer period of time than you actually need to wash your hands...

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